
Relocation Update...

Posted by Tammy

Yes, I know, I've been talking about moving away from Colorado for a long time now.

But, Mike and I are kicking it into full gear. He is looking for work in the Raleigh-Durham, NC area. He's getting his resume out there, and we are really starting to work towards moving!

In mid-October, we are going to take a trip down there since I've never seen the area. We'll take a few days to be in and around Raleigh, and then we'll head to the coast near Wilmington. His brother and sister-in-law just moved there. Mike really likes that area also. Both of us want to spend some time at the ocean!!

I'm sifting through and trying to downsize my "stuff" overload! My first recent Ebay auction ends today! My lot of Merry Miniatures will sell for at least $20 - not bad! :) I posted a new auction yesterday, something you creative types reading this might like - a Lot of five SARK books! Take a look.

With some time this weekend, I'll really get the Ebay ball rolling. Hallmark ornaments, anyone?

I'll keep you all posted as we prepare to move across the country. It's not happening next week, but even in six months, it will be a big deal. Having lived within 30 miles of where I am now for my whole life - this will be a HUGE adventure!!

7 Opinions:

BellaKarma said...

How exciting! I'm looking forward to hearing lots of details about your endeavor! :)

Vedrana M. said...

i agree, a huge adventure :) i'm looking forward to read all about it, xxx

Ginnie said...

Well, how about that? You're coming to my area. I live just 50 minutes South of Raleigh. It has been VERY HOT this past month but you will be arriving at a great time. I've been in NC for 28 years and I love it...a transplant from NY.

Ginnie said...

Well, how about that? You're coming to my area. I live just 50 minutes South of Raleigh. It has been VERY HOT this past month but you will be arriving at a great time. I've been in NC for 28 years and I love it...a transplant from NY.

Jamie said...

Wow, when you start shifting your gear, moving feels real! I'm sending out "may they find an awesome home" energy. And btw, your ebay name is so clever!

Tanaya said...

Tam, sounds like you are starting to make real progress. I've been meaning to write you a nice long email for weeks now, OOPS!

Anyway, if there is anything I can do to help, call or email me. After just going through this I certainly get what you're going through. I think this is a very positive move for you guys.

photoholly said...

I long to relocate too but darling hubby will not give up his job (his pension is too good) so my son and I dream about where we'd like to move to. I moved around so much as a kid, it feels weird to know that I've now lived in my city for 20 years, sheesh! Totally mind boggling! Have a great adventure and take lots and lots of pictures!