
Just don't feel like bloggin'

Posted by Tammy

It's mid-month November - half way through this blogging every day. I don't think I will continue once the November challenge is over. I don't find I have something I WANT to say or share every day! But, I'm definitely going to stick to it and finish the challenge!!! I've come this far...

So, today I thought I'd share a few more cute photos of moi! From back in the day!

I really was shy when I was a kid. (I'm not shy now, but still an introvert. A not-shy-introvert... is there such a thing!?!) I remember this coat - it was my favorite because it felt fancy to me! (1979)

This one is a polaroid - my mom's handwriting. Yes, I spell my name Tammy - it's that way on my birth certificate. But, for a while when I was little, I changed it to Tami. I didn't like all the Ms in my name! But, I went back - don't remember why or when! I completely confused my Aunt Carolyn. She has never spelled my name the same way twice! :)

This was at our local fair - it was held at Labor Day every year. I remember making this vegetable person - looks like I got a third place ribbon. I also remember entering things like cookies. My mom entered her pickles (which is the same recipe that I now make) and won ribbons! This is in 1981 and would have been just before my 7th birthday.

4 Opinions:

Misty said...

so cute! and I'd swear I had that cute rainbow jumper with the EXACT same hair cut!

BellaKarma said...

That rainbow jumper looks vaguely familiar to me too...

Patty said...

Oh how cute, I think we called that little jumper a sun suit when my kids were young and they are close to your age.

Suzie Ridler said...

What a sweetie you are Tammy! I was a shy introvert growing up too. I don't think I'm shy anymore, it tooke me more than 30 years.

I love your posts but remember that if you're not enjoying posting, don't force yourself. Life is too short!