
New Blog Title!

Posted by Tammy

I have decided to change the title of my blog. I liked Art, Creative Thoughts, etc... however, Mimmsical Creations suits me better.

I've used this name on and off over the last several years. It is a play on my last name - Mimms - and whimsical. I have done flowers for several weddings and I used this as my business name for those projects. The flowers here are from the first wedding I ever did - Julie was a student who worked for me in one of my previous jobs at a bookstore. It was SO fun to do and I've done several more weddings since, although it has been a couple years since the last one.

I think since I am really branching out creatively, that I can claim to be a creative person now! I am creating new artwork every week and much of it is whimsical!

Welcome to my newly titled blog - Mimmsical Creations!

4 Opinions:

Ruth said...

WELL YOU KNOW I ABSOLUTELY LOVE LOVE IT !!!! You are blossoming into a beautiful Butterfly Tammy...I'm so proud of you. You Rock the hard Rock.


Tammy said...

You're so cool Ruth! Thanks for being my biggest fan! :)


Ruth said...

Okay...little Bloggah Guru..now I'm lusting after your new "Post a Comment" thingy...ouch, I heard that !!!


Ruth said...

On second thought...maybe not..I'll leave it be..

me again....