
I'm on a roll now!

Posted by Tammy

I have sold two Ebay auctions!! And I have a
few more going - with bids even!!

If you are a Hallmark ornament fan, or a Winnie-the-Pooh fan, you should take a look! There are some good deals going on stuff I've collected over the years! Working in a Hallmark store was fun, but hard on my pocket book. I have huge collections of stuff!!

Digging it all out and figuring out what to keep, what to auction is the hard part! Also... how do you decide what childhood memories to keep? (Not
auctioning these, but boy, I have a lot of stuff!) Like toys - do I keep these?
They are in boxes, have been for years. I won't have my own kids to pass them to... what to do? Any advice!!?

Take a look at my auctions if you're so inclined! Fun stuff to be had! :) (Ebaying is apparently addictive as well! Yikes!)

2 Opinions:

photoholly said...

Yes, ebay is addictive. I have to laugh. I made the mistake of introducing my hubby to ebay and got him totally addicted!!! He was a vicious sniper and sheeesh! when he listed stuff, he would check it compulsively every couple of minutes. He drove me crazy!!! lol.

hollibobolli said...

YAY!! It's so fun to actually start selling stuff!! Go, Tammy GO!!!!