
More "old" art!

Posted by Tammy

Boy, I tell ya - this blogging business has me all-consumed! I love it!! It is so fun to have my own personal place to write or show off art, whatever I want! I've tried journaling in the past to no avail. This is somewhat of a journal space I guess, but it is easier to put a few things down and then post! I like seeing the changes to my page with each new post as well!

I painted this last summer - sitting outside on my lawn. I was really just experimenting with the colors. I kept adding colors to my brush and swirling. I really love this painting. It somehow reminds me of wind. I don't like wind as a general rule, but this somehow feels like a soft gentle wind - like a chinook. In fact, I'm going to call this one (a Title!) "Swirling Chinook". I really had fun with this one - playing with mixing up my colors. And I just let the brushes flow where they would. My kitten (at the time) Luna, stuck her nose in this one when I brought it inside and wound up with paint on the end of her nose.

I hope you enjoy!

3 Opinions:

Anonymous said...

I love Swirling Chinook- did you do that with acrylics? Geez it almost looks like chalk pastels...
VERY cool, regardless of which medium.

Thanks for posting each day, and giving me something beautiful to look at, and generally, something profound to ponder.

Creative Wishes,

Tammy said...

Thank you Krystinkerbelle! It does look kind of chalky doesn't it?! I haven't had success using chalks yet though. I don't like the feeling on my hands.

I do enjoy posting each day (except apparently over the weekend!) I want it to become a habit to do so... so far I'm doing pretty good! Thanks for visiting!


Tammy said...

Yes - it is acrylics... sorry - forgot to put that in there in the last comment!
