
Favorite Collage

Posted by Tammy

One of my very favorite things I have created is a collage from April, 2004. I started Art Therapy earlier that year (wow - it's been a LONG time!) When I started, I couldn't even pick up a pencil to draw something without bursting into tears. The first session with Andrea, my art therapist went something like this:

Andrea - "Draw a house, a tree, and some flowers."

Me - Sob! "I can't - I don't know how!"

I didn't have enough confidence in myself to even try. So, we started with scribble drawings. No rhyme or reason, just scribbles. Andrea drew with me. I loosened up a bit and even learned to have fun with it during that first session. Over the next couple of weeks, I created LOTS of scribble drawings. After my second session, I discovered collage. I went absolutely crazy (or maybe a little manic!) and created LOTS of collages!

This one remains one of my favorites. There are so many elements in it that I needed to see in my art at that point. The background was created using oil pastels and smudging colors around the edge (one of my favorite techniques!) I randomly chose the words and pictures from magazines. The quote at the bottom is still one of my favorites - "Never let reality get in the way of imagination". I've let reality get the better of me way too many times - and I'm trying not to do that anymore. I used a lot of really strong words like Absolutely, confidence, and AHA to remind myself that I can create and be creative! The stop sign with the word GO on it and Fear underneath was a cue to me that I was letting go of my fear of being creative, and "dipping my toe in". (now I've taken a complete plunge, but then, just a toe was SCARY!)

The photo in the bottom right corner is Sydney Bristow - my all time favorite TV character from Alias. She is a strong, tough, confident woman who I strive to be like (although I'm not a super-spy! Nor do I kick box criminals or swing from chains, or whatever stunt she's pulling lately!) She has survived many adversities with grace and confidence. I put her photo there to remind myself that I can survive, no matter what the situation!

All in all, this collage has a lot of personal meaning to me. But besides the meaning, I really like it! The bright, bold colors and the layout are pleasing to me! I don't have it hanging yet, but I have had and will have it up again!

3 Opinions:

Tammy said...

Thanks! I'm awfully glad I took the plunge also! I am definitely going to keep creating - no worries there!! I'm addicted!


nici said...

Oh this is so cool! It reminds me of Soul Collage! Have you heard of it? www.soulcollage.com

Tammy said...

I have the book Soul Collage. I made this collage way before I'd heard of it. I love the concept, but I haven't done anything specifically following the book! It is so cool though!!!
