
Touch Drawing

Posted by Tammy

I realized - I've never posted about Touch Drawing!! This technique has had a profound impact on me! Some of my favorite pieces that I have done are touch drawings!

Andrea, my art therapist, offers occasional touch drawing studios. I have taken 3! Deborah Koff-Chapin is the creator of touch drawing. Her website is fascinating and not only shows the process, but showcases much of her work.
www.touchdrawing.com. It is worth a visit!

Basically, the process is more intuitive than other art forms. Using a board (like a piece of white board - smooth, hard surface) you roll dollops of paint (acrylics are best - or water-soluble oils) out using a paint roller. Once you have a nice thin coat of paint, you lay a piece of paper down on it and use your fingers to touch the back. You can't really see what you are coming up with, but you can attempt patterns, or you can just let your hands guide and see what the results are.

My favorite part of this process is the not knowing what you'll get! I have several pieces that I really love, but there was one in particular that remains one of my very favorite things.

I no longer own the original - it was a Christmas present for my best friend! But, I do have a copy hanging in my office and I've used a scanned/photoshopped version for cards and other things!

I titled this piece "the real me". There is a long story behind why which I will tell in a different post! The process on this one was the original touch drawing - which was an outline of the flower. The following week I used oil pastels to fill out the color. I LOVE the result! It was very intuitive and a very satisfying process!!

1 Opinions:

Tammy said...

Thanks guys - it is a wonderful process! I haven't done it in a long time and need to do so again. I have some amazing art from the classes I took! It's fun to look back at all of it and I can see the process and where I was emotionally during that time!
