Jamie posed this idea for us at Create a Connection for Try Day.

"I’d like to ask you to both make a wish (as many as you'd like) and to support each other’s wishes. It’s very simple. Just post on your blog something you really, truly, deeply (and maybe even secretly) wish for and leave a comment here to let us all know that you’ve done so.

Then everyone who is participating in
Create a Connection, and anyone who sees this post, please go to each and every one of our wishes and in the comments write, “As _______ wishes for herself, so I wish for her also.” Encourage people to go over and do the same."

My Wish:

Well, I've thought about this. It's a hard one for me to narrow down. There are a lot of little things that I wish for - more time, more money, less bills... you get the idea! But, to narrow it down (or broaden it - depends on perspective I guess) is tough.

In reality, my wish is to be an artist. Not just part time - but to really be an artist, selling my art, making my living in this manner!

Wow - OK... now I've put this out there - it scares me! I know that I am an artist - but I want to make art a much bigger piece of my life. By putting this out there in the universe it feels more like it could really happen. Since I "broke free" from my creative bonds, I have learned that I truly can create. I can put pen to paper and draw, I can collage, I can make art that other people enjoy too. (and not just my mom!) {to the right is one of my masterpiece ATCs from last year - after the style of Klee done in Sharpies}

So - my wish (even though it was deep down and I had to really dig through layers to find it) is to be an artist! (I have to give a thank you to Suzie - her wish is to be an artist too. When I read her post - it helped me to realize that was the layer I hadn't gotten to yet - that was the wish I was missing!!)

Alright - my wish is out there - for this or better.

12 Opinions:

Suzie Ridler said...

Tammy, you ARE an artist! Look at your blog, it's filled with all your creative endeavours. I'm glad that you said it out loud here so that the rest of the world can help manifest this dream for you.

As Tammy wishes for herself, so I wish for her also.

Big hug to you! Lets raise a glass (or mug of tea) to each other and our artistic pursuits!

Thanks for YOUR support too Tammy.

Sara said...

As Tammy wishes for herself, so I wish for her also.

Janet said...

As Tammy wishes for herself, so I wish for her also.

Good for you! It's one of my wishes, too although I didn't voice this one! You are an artist so it's just one tiny step to making money from it. You can do it. Put that thought out into the Universe and it will happen.

Diana S said...

As Tammy wishes for herself, so I wish for her also.

Here, here! I raise my glass to Suzie's toast.

Jamie said...

As Tammy wishes for herself, I wish for her also.

I raise a glass too! I'd like to celebrate your bravery! Here's to Tammy, the artist!

Deb R said...

As Tammy wishes for herself, so I wish for her also.

It's a very good wish! :-)

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful wish. I am becoming a TRUE believer that when you open the doors to the universe, great and amazing things happen!

I am sending you manifesting vibes...

Tanaya said...

As Tammy wishes for herself, so I wish for her also.

PennyBlue said...

As Tammy wishes for herself...so I wish for her also!
LOVE KLEE....LOVE Your Interpretation!

couragetocreatewriteandlove said...

As Tammy wishes for herself so I wish for her also!!
I believe in magic and dreams coming true!!!

Shannon said...

As Tammy wishes for herself, so I wish for her also!

You go girl!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

You should post your wish to be an artist to the Robin Hood Fund. I really enjoyed reading your wish.