
Cutest. Cats. Ever.

Posted by Tammy

Harmony finds Miss Girl. The cat who likes no other cat was found curled up with Henry in our "new" old chair. They love this chair, as I knew they would. Can Miss Girl have found a friend?

Also this weekend - Luna and Henry curled up together. I caught the cuteness! :)

Next is Ben - sunning himself. Check out that belly! Recently de-matted. His profile looks a bit strange without all his extra fur hanging about! I think he's much more comfortable without all the mats though.

And last, but not least, is Oscar. The resident Grump. He got to go outside for a little while yesterday which took the grumps away for a short time anyway.

4 Opinions:

Suzie Ridler said...

Even the little grump is absolutely adorable! Look at all those cats, I am so envious Tammy!

Jana B said...

OMW! I love your kitties!!!! Hehe Oscar the grump... *sesame street flashback occuring*

Luna is such an awesome name BTW!

Tammy said...

Oscar is a great cat even though he's a grump. I don't know where his name came from, but he's lived up to "Oscar the Grouch"! (want a cat Suzie - I'll send one your way!)

Luna started out life as Clara. But that certainly didn't (and doesn't) fit her. It morphed from there to Claire de Lune - becoming Luna quickly! She is Luna Bean or Luna Tunes most times! :)

nyjlm said...

oh my gosh- I'm so not a cat (or even pet) person but they are too funny. And the one of the two hugging omg!