Exercises that I like, and feel like I can do... I found a great DVD!
I tried it out for the first time this morning. I have a VERY hard time with exercise mainly because I hate to sweat. I know, that is kind of the point, but I still hate it! I do really like Yoga though, I just hadn't found that perfect routine yet.

This one seems to be just right though. It is made by Megan Garcia, who is a plus-sized model. It's called Yoga: Just My Size. It is a routine that she has created that works for larger body types (like me!) And it really is a good routine! I found that I could do all of the poses, not necessarily easily, but without hurting myself! I felt quite strong after finishing!! Yay! I think I'll feel compelled to try this again (hopefully several times a week!) because it worked for me! Imagine - creating exercise for people who are bigger - which makes some exercise harder! Brilliant!
The other thing I found quite nice was watching a woman who is closer to my size doing the routines instead of some super-fit yoga master! Megan has some lumps and rolls, but seems so comfortable in her skin and with yoga. I really appreciated this!!
And now, I'm off for more exercise... can you believe it!? I'm meeting my friend Andrea (who is training to be in a triathlon... go girl!!) to swim! I love to swim, and I'm a good swimmer. If this works tonight, I'm going to meet her once a week while she's training and swim with her! Go me!
UPDATE: I did swim with Andrea - I did just about as many laps as her, although probably a few less because I'm slow! I alternated between freestyle and breast stroke, and did a few just kicking with a paddle board. It felt good! I definitely need goggles... I'm so blind without glasses, I think I'll try contacts combined with goggles and see how that works!
I'm feeling pretty good today, although my muscles are definitely sore! (My knee hurts a bit - probably all the kicking!) I'm skipping next week because Andrea is meeting with a trainer, but I'm going to go again the following week! Yay!
UPDATE: I did swim with Andrea - I did just about as many laps as her, although probably a few less because I'm slow! I alternated between freestyle and breast stroke, and did a few just kicking with a paddle board. It felt good! I definitely need goggles... I'm so blind without glasses, I think I'll try contacts combined with goggles and see how that works!
I'm feeling pretty good today, although my muscles are definitely sore! (My knee hurts a bit - probably all the kicking!) I'm skipping next week because Andrea is meeting with a trainer, but I'm going to go again the following week! Yay!
7 Opinions:
I've had that DVD on my Amazon wish list for a while now (don't even remember where I first heard of it!) but have hesitated to buy it because I often don't do so well with figuring out what I'm doing from DVDs. But maybe I should give it a try after all. Hhhmmm...
Thanks for the review, Tammy!
WOW!!!! You go girl!!!!!
*beyond proud of you*
Deb - this is a really simple work out, but it has great poses which you can tell are effective! I was able to really follow along and hit the poses with not much trouble! I really do highly recommend it!
Tammy - you rock.
I used to do Power Yoga - and I never felt more energized and strong. I've stopped - and the difference is disgusting. I may have to look into this DVD you are using. Keep us posted on how you are doing. Within two weeks of yoga I felt totally different - in a positive way!
How cool is that!? I had not heard of this yoga DVD before but love the concept. Good on you for getting to it! :)
Hi Tammy, I'm with you. I hate to sweat too, but, as you said, that is the point. I enjoy yoga too. It made me feel so good afterward, even though I only did simple poses and haven't done them in a while. Why is it so hard to do what makes you feel so much better? :) I'm plus sized too and may have to look into this DVD also. Thanks for reviewing it and sharing it, and good for you for starting an exercise routine. You're awesome!
That's amazing, I think I'm going to buy that video. I want to get into Yoga but am not exactly "flexible"- and it would definitely help to see someone more like me! Let me know how it goes!
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