
Birthday post #1

Posted by Tammy

Yes, there will be more than one birthday post! My birthday was Tuesday, September 25 and I turned 33.

I haven't posted yet, because, it's still my birthday, of course! It lasts as long as I can stretch it. I've been celebrating since before, and will continue! I have lots to share, but thought I'd upload the pictures from our celebration on Saturday first.

Mike and I have made it a tradition to combine my birthday with viewing the fall leaves in the mountains near us! We drove up the Poudre Canyon, just west of Fort Collins, on Saturday morning. (We rafted the river earlier in the summer!) We hit it at near perfect time for great color!! Last time we went up, we drove all the way over Cameron Pass and into Walden, had lunch, and came home. This year, we only went to the top of the pass and then turned around. Because - it was starting to SNOW!! There was fresh snow on all the peaks, and we could even see piles along the sides of the road! Yay! :)

It was gorgeous, and we had a great time! :)

I'll have more to share tomorrow. I celebrated today with my friend Andrea, who gave me a really great, interesting present, which I will definitely share with you all!! Mike also gave me great presents, which I have to get photos of still! I like birthdays! (If you want to see more of my photos, go to my

3 Opinions:

Deb R said...

Those photos are gorgeous!!

Janet said...

Oh, those photos make me think of the time we lived in CO. I love the scenery there. The aspens turned golden are always so spectacular.

Nicole said...

Happy belated birthday Tammy!!!