My friend, Andrea, put together the most amazingly fun birthday present ever for this year! We met for lunch last Sunday at a new restaurant here in town called The Savoy (French). It was yummy! We were going to go to a movie later, but due to the nature of her present, our plans changed!
The only present I was allowed to open initially was a book - called Julia's Chocolates by Cathy Lamb. Andrea had recently read this book, and LOVED it! She wanted me to read it because she knew I'd love it too. But, and here's the fun part, throughout the book were ribbons and each one was numbered. There was a corresponding present to match the ribbon. Each present went along with the book at the particular spot. Now, how clever is that?!
I read the first part right away at the restaurant (only a few pages in to the story I found ribbon #1). These pictures won't make much sense if you haven't read the book (which I HIGHLY recommend that you do!) but I am not going to explain them too much! Suffice it to say - Andrea did a great job of making fun (wacky) presents that were perfect with this book!!
Present #1
My favorite character in the book was Aunt Lydia - a woman I wish was in my life! She has huge pig statues on her lawn with names of men who have made her mad in the past around their necks. I blurred the names that Andrea put on my pig statues, but they are perfect! I laughed like a loon after opening this one!
We quickly decided to not see a movie, and we relocated to a wonderful dessert place called The Chocolate Cafe! Yum!! We sat and ate our bigger-than-your-head chocolate cake and read. This book made me laugh and cry - such amazing characters - strong women! I opened #2 and #3 while still out with Andrea. The rest I did over the next few days at home. I finished reading the book yesterday.Present #2
The only explanation I'll give here is: Julia (main character) and her Aunt Lydia meet with a few friends often and have themed Psychic nights. They had brownies (hence the brownie mix), always have candles lit, and Andrea found these great fortune cookies that have specialized fortunes in them, so I'd have a little bit of psychic-ness too! This one reads: "Girls who have no vice have very few virtues." Love it!
Present #3
Present #4

Present #5

Present #6

Present #7

Present #8

Present #9

And last, but not least Present #10

The characters in this book are truly amazing - a group of strong, quirky women who help each other through some amazing struggles - with fun, laughter, tears, and an amazing bond! I can totally understand why Andrea wanted me to read this book. I will re-read it for sure, and I highly recommend it to you all! I hope they make a movie (although, it probably won't live up to my expectations, as movies from books usually don't!) We have even discussed who should play which character!
Thanks Andrea! This was a really fun birthday present!! Truly clever!
3 Opinions:
I'm just loving the idea of a psychic night! Happy Birthday Tammy, did you get my notices via Facebook? I hope so! Looks like it was an amazing time with your fantastic friend. You're very lucky!
That is one of the most cool birthday gift ideas EVER! What fun!!
That book looks really good too. I'd never heard of it before now, but I put it on my Amazon wishlist.
Glad you had a good birthday, Tammy!
OMG I'm lusting after chocolate now...the cake the cake the cake...awww sweet ecstacy indeed.
And I can't wait to read this book!!
What a coool intuitive friend you have in Andrea...I'm sure she brings you much joy.
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