I have fun mail to share from this past weekend!
My package for the Favorite Things swap that I hosted in September over at Create a Connection arrived from Megan! She was very thoughtful and careful in her choosing for me as she learned from reading my blog that I'm trying to "de-clutter" and get rid of things! She did so well! And I really loved learning what her favorite things are!
She sent two wonderful handmade things including a small painting she made. I truly LOVE it and will find a place of honor for it! She wrote her note in a card she made, and had been saving because she loved it so much! :)
Also included were Peanut M&Ms - a favorite treat of mine as well, which I can't eat anymore because they trigger migraines - so Mike benefitted from this treat!! She included one of her favorite books and a great magazine that she said fits with her views on life! Great stuff!! And last but not least, a Starbucks card!! Yay!
I think I'll treat myself to a coffee and sit outside and read my new book!! Thank you MEGAN!!And, today being Photo Thursday over at Create a Connection, I want to post a photo for Amber's theme of Something New!
NEW SHOES!! Yesterday, my boss/friend Laurel, decided to take my co-worker and I shoe shopping. Because we "step up" so often, we got new shoes (and there was an awesome sale!) Patricia found some shoes she liked, as did I... they are DANSKOS!!! I've wanted a pair for so long, and now I have them. Whoo hoo - I love my boss! :) And my new green shoes that are really comfy and totally cute if you ask me!
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4 Opinions:
Beautiful! Thanks for joining in this week!
Cute shoes!!!!!
Oh I love your tattoo...Is it a triple moon with flowers?
~~ Look At Those Shoes!! ~~ They are just too cute! I really need some new schoes too..been over 4 years since I got some..an' the sneakers are just not cuttin' it, know what I mean!?
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