
New, Interesting Meme Thingy

Posted by Tammy

OK - I found this meme here and thought it was very fun, and very odd - a combination I like!

The deal is this: Answer the prompts by typing the answer into a Google image search. Choose a photo from the first search page and post it! The results may wind up a bit odd! :) (I linked to where I found the image so credit is given!)
3. Your favorite place (The Ocean)
4. Your favorite objects (Shoes - Mary Janes to be specific!)

5. Your favorite food (Green Thai Curry)

6. Your favorite animals (even looks a bit like Oscar!)

7. Your favorite color 8. Town where you were born (This B&B - The Porter House - is on the same street where I grew up - about a block and a half from my house! Windsor, CO)

Town where you live (Fort Collins, CO)
10. Name of a past pet
First name of a past love (we're going present here - Michael!)

12. Best friend's nickname (She doesn't have a nickname, but her name is Andrea.)

13. Your screen/nickname (this is from Flickr, and I commented on this photo using my screenname!)

14. Your first name (We had friends when I was a kid who called me Tammy Faye much of the time!)

20. College major (Business Administration)

4 Opinions:

Janet said...

Cool meme!! You picked some great pictures.

Suzie Ridler said...

What fun Tammy! I love that this is such a visual meme and it was neat to see more about you, interesting your first job was at Hallmark! Also, you must like spicy food, green curry?! Wowza!

Patty said...

That was fun. I might post this if I can find enough photos

Tammy said...

This was fun! Finding the photos on Google was really interesting - some strange things came up!

I do like spicy food - Thai curry is my favorite I think! Green is a little less spicy than red usually.

And Hallmark - yes - I worked there for about 7 years - a small store in Windsor, CO. She hired me the day after I graduated from high school. I went in to buy Thank You notes, and she hired me. I was being interviewed and I didn't even know it! It was a good job - a little rocky at times, but overall great!