
The Shower has come and gone!

Posted by Tammy

And it was a blast!! Andrea did an awesome job of planning this party! It was just amazing! Being the center of attention all afternoon was a bit difficult, but seeing everyone was great! I didn't get to visit with people as much as I would have liked (of course). There were 34 people there (including me!) A few family, a few in-laws to be, and lots of friends!

I have a few photos to share now, and I'll have more later this week. I took just a few with my camera, so I'm waiting for film developing on some disposables that we asked the guests to use! We'll see what they saw!

We had hors' douevres and cake. Andrea also served wine (red and white) and iced tea. Her mother-in-law Donna contributed the most fabulous deviled eggs! (thanks Donna!) They all disappeared. The cake was simple white cake/frosting, but it's my favorite, and it was yummy too! (Mike got a piece or two of that leftover!)

Andrea had games planned - all of which were really fun. She started out with a mad-lib about Mike and I. I will publish it here later this week for you all to read. Quite laughable. She also had a quiz about how well the guests knew me. I think I will post the questions here. Do any of you know me? There were 14 questions. My mom and one of my co-workers (Susan) tied with 11 of the 14 correct. Not bad! (Mike got all but one right when I asked him later.)

The gifts were amazing. I got totally spoiled! My in-laws-to-be all went together and bought us a lot of things off the registry we had at Target! A rice cooker, a food processor, a wonderful blanket, bookshelves, pans, and the list goes on. My amazing co-workers went together and bought us the entire set of dishes I wanted from our local kitchen store The Cupboard. I will get photos of them as I unpack and wash them. Such an amazing gift! The pattern is stunning!! I got lots of kitchen ware (so we will be replacing Mike's 40 year old stuff now!!) My mom surprised me by having my super-duper quilt finished!! She had told me it wasn't finished yet!! (It wasn't really a gift, but we had it displayed so everyone could see her handiwork!)

My favorite gift came from my sister, Connie. She wrote me a sweet letter to go with it. (Thanks Connie! It means so much to me!) She put a lot of thought into a personal gift of a charm bracelet. She wrote out what each charm meant to her. Perfect and so meaningful. I'm wearing it today!

Andrea gave me a recipe box, and had asked each person who was invited to send a recipe (whether they could come or not!) So I have a wonderful new box with tons of new recipes to try out! Yay!! All my new cookware will be put to use with these new recipes! (My food processor already got a work-out making pesto yesterday!)

(The photo below is me, releasing the balloons after the party. We took this because I have a photo of Andrea from 10 years ago at her wedding shower doing the same thing!!)

7 Opinions:

Janet said...

Wow!! Sounds like you made out like a bandit!! All that food looks so yummy, and I love deviled eggs. That's one thing I can actually make so I usually bring them to any family gathering. I hope you show a photo of the charm bracelet....gifts like that are extra special when they have such thought and meaning attached to them.

Tammy said...

I realize I don't have any photos of the gifts I received. I'll have to remedy that!! :)

Jamie said...

How awesome!! It looks like a beautiful and loving day. I absolutely love that last picture of you. What joy!

Suzie Ridler said...

Oh Tammy, I am so loving your wedding shower and you're the cutest with your balloons! Yay! Your life is totally going to change for the better now that you have a rice maker. I promise!

Jana B said...

Awwwww... I'm SO glad your shower went so well!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *happy hug for you*

Love the pic of you and the balloons! :o)

hollibobolli said...

Tammy - I read that you were in search of red shoes.. what size do you wear? I found the most beautiful pair of red satin shoes from a wonderful person who sells discount designer at cost.

Nana pushed the benefits of a rice maker.. but I have never used mine. I do use my egg cooker all the time - that is my favorite kitchen appliance. Strange, I know.

Hugs! I'm so happy you're so happy!

photoholly said...

That is such a beautiful picture! How wonderful, glad you had such a great time and were blessed with so many wonderful, heart felt gifts. I can't wait to see the quilt your Mom made for you. That is such a special gift.