
The Next Chapter

Posted by Tammy

I am joining in a book-blogging group starting in November. (I will join a bit late as soon as I get home from my wedding!)

It is hosted by Jamie and the blog is here. We will be reading Soul Coaching by Denise Linn. I'm very excited to join in on this. I've read a couple books by Linn and enjoyed them!

3 Opinions:

Suzie Ridler said...

Tammy, I am freakin' thrilled that you're participating, woot! I'm really looking forward to it. That's going to be a long, challenging month for me personally so I think this will help fly by.

And I'm so sorry I haven't done my chili for FoFF yet, I've been too sick to cook anything. I hope to soon. Yours looked amazing!

Jamie said...

Yay!! I'm so glad you're joining in Tammy. What a treat! We'll be here whenever you're ready to dive in!

Melanie Margaret said...

I joined too!