
Wishcasting Wednesday

Posted by Tammy

Wishcasting Wednesday prompt:

"What do you wish to become?"

Short, sweet and to the point. I wish to become the "real me". I'm working on that!

During Circe's Circle last week, Jamie led us on a guided visualization. (I have had some amazing things happen during guided visualizations in the past - I had a conversation with Merlin, the wizard, once!)

In this one, she took us to 10 years in the future to converse with ... well, ME. I saw the real me - the Phaedra side of me - living on the coast in Oregon - being the person I know I am and the real me.

I want to get to that point before 10 years from now!

9 Opinions:

Lisa said...

As Tammy wishes for herself, so I wish for her also.

Let it shine on out, I bet she's clser than you think!

Genie Sea said...

As Tammy wishes for herself, so I wish for her also!

May your visualization happen quicker than even you can imagine :)

Her Speak said...

As Tammy wishes for herself, so I wish also!~*

What an amazing wish! Be real, be juicy, be intuitive! May all these things find you, and other pleasant surprises along the way. ;)

Much Joy~*

Jamie Ridler said...

As Tammy wishes for herself, so I wish also.

Shine, Tammy, Shine! You light up the world! It's a joy to have you in Circe's Circle :)

LissaL said...

As you become the "real you" I look forward to getting to know the "real you"

PS-I 'm on that journey as well.

As Tammy wishes for herself, so I wish also.

Anonymous said...

As Tammy wishes for herself, so I wish for her also.

Visualize it ~ manifest it! You've put it "out there", now the magick begins!

Melanie Margaret said...

Tammy i know you will! You are on your way. Keep believing!
as Tammy wishes for herself, i wish for her as well.

Pamela said...

As Tammy wishes for herself, so I wish for her also.

This is an excellent wish! May you become the real you quicker than you think!

Unknown said...

may your visualization happen quicker...
What a great post. I am totally inspired.
I love your blogs and i often visits your blogs.... Thanks for the post.

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